SKF Raising Star Scholarship Program

SKF’s Raising Star Scholarship program is for children that transition from SKF’s educational center to a regular primary school program. SKF children are assessed based on their performance in both the academic syllabus taught at the SKF center, and their overall learning achievements in the 2 to 3 years that they attend SKF’s Educational Grooming and Learning program. The scholarship covers all the expenses required for the student to attend a regular school program (admission fees, monthly fees, uniforms, books, stationary, snack money, exam fee, trips etc.)


Academic Year 2020-2021

Ms. Hoor ul Ain and Master Syed Zahoor are siblings and were considered out of school but had some understanding of basic level 1 & 2 Math’s, English and Urdu, taught at home by their older siblings when they joined SKF’s Educational Grooming & Learning Center in early 2018. Their parents belong from a village in Jhang, in the province of Punjab in Pakistan. The father works as a poor farmer on a daily wage earning ONLY 3 dollars per day, and a monthly income of around $100 (Rs 15,000). Because of the hardships in the village, their mother along with the other 4 older siblings decided to move to Multan city and started working as a “Masee (maid)” in different homes. With 4 older siblings in the house and little income to spare, the parents could not afford to send these two children to a regular school.
During the 2 years at the SKF center with the help of SKF’s dedicated teaching staff, both Hoor ul Ain and Zahoor started to excel in their studies. Within 2 years Zahoor progressed to level 3 and Hoorul Ain to level 4 syllabus taught at the SKF Center.
It was during August and September in 2020 the process to transition these 2 students into a regular primary school program started. Admission forms were filled out and payment for the forms and the admission fee was paid by SKF. With the help of Ms. Alezay one of the teachers at the SKF center, the two children prepared for the admission test. The admission test was conducted by the staff of FG Public School at their school office. On September 7th, 2020, the school’s admission list was announced and both the SKF students succeeded in getting admission at FG Public School for Girls and Boys respectively for the session 2020-2021.
Both Ms. Hoor ul Ain and Master Syed Zahoor became the first “SKF Raising Star Students”. Ms. Hoor Ul Ain joined 5th grade and Master Zahoor joined 4th grade. Both these children have worked hard in their studies and showed good academic progress. They showed confidence and participated in all school activities.

In June 2021 after the annual class exams, Ms. Hoor ul Ain was promoted to 6th grade and had 8th position in her class at FG Public School for Girls. Master Syed Zahoor was promoted from 4th grade to 5th grade.
Both the students will be continuing as “SKF Raising Stars” and SKF academic scholarship for the academic year 2021-2022 will continue for them.

Zahoor Certficate

As part of F.G Junior Public School students participating in International educational competition in September 2021 Syed Zahoor participated in the “14th International Kangaroo Science Contest 2021” .

He was awarded the “Three Star Performance Badge” in the Science Competition. Out of 7 students from his school he obtained 2nd position. Out of 62 students from Multan District he obtained 3rd Position. Out of 1864 students from Pakistan he obtained 7th Position. This is truly an achievement for both Syed Zahoor and SKF.

Academic year 2021-2022

For “SKF Raising Star Scholarship Program” in 2021, SKF management and teaching staff selected three more students from SKF Educational Grooming & Learning Center to join as “SKF’s Raising Star Students”. It was in August 2021 that the three students Master Kamran, Ms. Ujaala and Ms. Sawaira transitioned from SKF center to a regular private primary school program. Master Kamran got admission in 5th grade at The Public Higher Secondary School, and Ms. Ujaala and Ms. Sawaira got admission in 3rd grade at Bilson Primary School.

Ms. Ujaala and Ms. Sawaira were amongst the 1st batch of students that were enrolled at SKF Educational Grooming & Learning center when it started in March 2018 in a one small, makeshift classroom. Master Kamran joined the SKF center in 2019.

A very shy and timid girl who had never attended a school and did not know how to read or write, Ms. Ujaala joined the SKF center when she was 8 years old. Her father works as a daily railway laborer /cleaner with a monthly salary of only Rs. 10,000 (approx. $ 63) and her mother looks after the house, the children, and stiches clothes to earn some extra money. Ujaala has 4 other younger siblings. In the 3 years at the SKF center Ms. Ujaala started to show remarkable progress, a hardworking, eager to learn, loves to read, draw, and participate in all class activities. She wants to become a teacher once she completes her education.

In the year end exam Ms. Ujaala received 3rd position in her class and on November 15th, during a ceremony she received the school’s “Award of Excellence”. Her class teacher remarked “SKF center’s teaching staff has done a remarkable job grooming a kid with no schooling to attain a learning level for children of 3rd grade. Transitioning to a regular school program and within two and half months showing such excellence is remarkable” Ms. Ujaala got 452 out of 475 marks.

Living in a joint family setting, the parents were under pressure from other relatives to NOT send Ujaala to a school to continue her education because she is a girl! Upon learning how well she has done the whole family has changed their views, and they are praising SKF center for what it is doing for their children.

Ms. Sawaira joined SKF center with no schooling in March 2018. She lives with parents and her other siblings, her father works as a railway sweeper earning Rs 15,000 (i.e., less than $95), her mother does not work and looks after the family. Ms. Sawaira now age 11 years has over the 3 years at SKF center learnt how to read and write both in Urdu and English confidently. She wants to become a teacher someday!
During the year end 2021 exam for 3rd grade at her school Ms. Sawaira got 89% percentage and 4th position in her class. Ms. Sawaira transitioned from SKF center to Bilson Public School in August 2021. Both these girls have shown remarkable confidence adapting to their new school and doing so well in their studies. They both are on the path to achieving many more milestones in their future!
Master Kamran joined SKF center at the age of 11 years. He lived in a village with 9 other siblings, his father does not earn a monthly salary, but working as a farmer gets money from the wheat which is sold once a year. Kamran was sent to the city by his parents to live and work as a house helper for the landlord family that his parents work for in the village. He had never attended any school and was not able to read or write before he joined the SKF center in 2019. He would come to the SKF center after completing his daily house chores where he lived. Kamran is a very well-mannered, intelligent, eager to learn, confident student, Kamran was able to complete level 5 syllabus at the SKF center within 2 and half years.
Kamran has shown much progress and confidence at his new school. He participates in all educational and extra curriculum activities. His teachers at his new school are full of praise for how well he is doing in his studies. Kamran occasionally visits SKF center during his spare time and gives back by teaching to the students at the SKF center
More details will be shared about these SKF Raising Star students progressing during 2022. SKF management looks forward to the contribution and support to continue this work to make a difference in the lives of these underprivileged children and their families. Thank you once again for your interest in our work
SKF EIN # 82-1891756. SKF donations are tax deductible and SKF will provide SKF receipts.
To Donate: Mail checks – Attn: Street Kids Funds, 438 Ventura Avenue, Apt # 4, Palo Alto, CA 94306

Direct Deposit to SKF Account at Chase Bank- Routing # 322 2716 27 – Account # 198396 1 26

SKF Website:


Thank You from SKF Team and SKF Board Members!