We Help around the world

Introduse Our Campains

Ramadan Relief

To help families and communities in need SKF team has established “SKF’s Ramadan Relief Fund”.Please donate to SKF’s Ramadan Relief Fund. Your donation / Zakat / Sadqat money will be distributed directly to those families who are in need and facing financial hardships.

Coronavirus Relief

Street Kids Funds Emergency Relief program donates funds internationally and in USA and the Bay Area in time of need.InternationalStreet Kids Funds (SKF) donated funds in COVID-19 FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM in various cities in Pakistan during March – April...

Learning Center Fund

There's only one gift that keeps on giving - an education. If you want to do something truly incredible in making a difference in the life of a street kid. Donate to the Learning Center Fund. Your donations can be online through SKF website using PayPal, or give cash,...

Textbooks and Library

Street and Slum kids deserve a happy, healthy childhood and the chance to build a future which is bright and has endless opportunities to prosper. Your donations can be online through SKF website using PayPal, or give cash, and or in- kind (providing the uniforms,...

Rising Star Scholarship

The SKF sponsorship scheme is an excellent way to play your role in providing street kids a fair chance in life. Would you like to be the hero in the life of a child in need? For just $250 per year you can sponsor a street kid at the SKF Learning Center. Your donations...